Academic advisors sometimes wonder how they should begin an advising meeting with a student and what types of questions would be most beneficial. The following are some sample questions an academic advisor might ask their advisee to engage them during an advising meeting and provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for the student.
New Advisee Introduction
- How are you doing today?
- Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
- Where did you grow up, and where is home for you (outside of Lehigh)?
- What made you choose Lehigh?
- What were your favorite subjects in high school?
General Check-in
- Are you involved in any clubs or organizations?
- Are you getting sleep and are you eating?
- How are your classes going this semester?
- Do you have any big exams or projects coming up?
- Do you have any concerns about any of your classes?
- How are you finding the workload overall, and are you able to balance your academics with extracurricular activities and other responsibilities?
- What is your favorite course so far this semester and why?
- Do any of your courses cause any struggles?
- Have you faced any challenges, either within or outside of your coursework? If so, how have you been managing them?
- Is anything at Lehigh, both within and outside of your classes, different than you expected when you started here?
- If you experienced any academic difficulties in the past, what worked best for you to overcome them?
- Is there any type of support, either academically or personally, that you feel you might need but aren’t receiving?
- Are you making time for self-care?
- What do you like to do outside of classes?
Planning Ahead
- What courses are you thinking about for next semester?
- Are there any extracurricular activities or learning opportunities (e.g., research, externships, internships, global programs, etc.) that you have engaged in or are interested in exploring?
- What subjects or disciplines do you enjoy most?
- What subjects or disciplines do you enjoy least?
- What majors or concentrations have you considered?
- Do you have any ideas of what you might want to pursue after graduation?
- Have you utilized any of the resources provided by the Career Center?